Here's the skinny... If you missed it... You missed out!
SexFlex Yoga hosted by

I arrived to class with the intent to observe and meditate... Well that plan was quickly dashed when Kels the Yogi embraced every individual that attended this workshop with a sincere open welcome and fantastic centered energy. The location was peaceful; She had essential oils diffusing and sensual music in the air.
The session went deep quickly with introductions and the acknowledgement of the layers we'd be shedding to get to our core "authentic" self. The introductions eased us into what I call selfie-scope. You may know it as the "Mask" removal; the verbalization of why you are attending and what you're seeking to develop in this workshop. The focus of this was to bring thought to what barriers we have or barriers we bring into our sexual moments with our partner.
Transitioning us from the "barrier reveal" Kels guided us into flex-time by focusing our minds, opening our hearts, centering our breathing and relaxing our core. I tell you I was very hesitant to attempt the poses we were going to be doing due to severe sciatic pain and I absolutely did not want to do anything that would aggravate my ability to walk. So with caution followed along and after the first pose I was silently shouting hallelujah because in the first position Kels immediately informed of possible adjustments for beginners to advance students. I loved that she kept reminding us to "listen to our bodies...if it tells you to stop; then listen & stop...It's not a race."

I could not believe that the three hour class was going by so quickly. Before i knew it Kels was guiding us into the meditation session of the workshop. As we lay in a position of comfort; some were face down others were in the fetal position. Myself I chose to be on my back with my feet elevated and... aah stress relief and gravity pull. We meditated on where we wanted to see our sexual connections, our healing and our elevation of empowerment. Then... viola Kels brought us back to the now; feeling refreshed and overflowing with positive energy!
So, if you missed it.... You Missed Out! But, don't worry... I've got you covered. Here are a few ways to get the skinny on Kels the Yogi & The Meow University.
Kels the Yogi can be found on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter at @kelstheyogi or visit her website at
The Meow University shares their network of classes and events on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter at @TheMeowUniversity also please be sure to subscribe to their newsletter for event invites via their website
Well Lair family, this has been the skinny on SexFlex Yoga... I hope to see you there next time.
